by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.
I’m going to do something that goes against my better judgement here, which is to parse the meaning and significance of a tweet. If this is not your thing, please feel free to check out my blog and read some non-Twitter-related post.
Okay. You’re still with me? Let’s do this.
“Killing Back To Back Spin Classes”
I’m not going to touch this part, except to say that when you work out in an intense way, you need eat adequately. #justsaying
“Eating A Salad Dreaming of a Cheeseburger”
Of course, I’m taking this to mean that she was eating a salad while dreaming of a cheeseburger, as opposed to eating some strangely sentient salad capable of dreaming about eating other food products.
But in all seriousness, this is typical dieter and disordered eater thinking. Lady Gaga is definitely putting her diet rules about what she should eat above any possibility that she might be craving a cheeseburger for good reason. Maybe she needs more calories or more protein or just a reminder of home. She has a huge net worth and any number of assistants to cater to her whims and yet a cheeseburger is beyond her grasp? It’s so sad that a tastemaker like Gaga can’t allow herself tastes of the food that she wants. #eatthedamncake
Just this February, Adele won 6 Grammy’s. She’s sold a gazillion records and has become an extremely famous pop star. I figure that she’s around a size 12/14 US which makes her epically fat by young pop star standards and just barely plus sized by real life standards. And Adele has publicly made such “shocking” statements as “I love food and hate exercise.”
This tweet came on the heels of an alleged feud between Gaga and fellow pop star Adele, wherein Gaga was supposedly going around calling Adele a “fat cow” due to her envy over Adele’s award sweep at the Grammy’s. (I had seen this reported in some fairly reputable places, but apparently the original story is from the ever disreputable Star magazine, and is probably untrue.) But still, what did Lady Gaga mean when she tweeted “#PopSingersDontEat”? Am I the only one
who saw this as a dig against Adele? #whattheactualf
This part, to me, puts the bummer icing on the tragic cake. Isn’t the concept behind the song “Born This Way” that we should all embrace and enjoy who we are, even if it makes us different or not accepted by mainstream culture? Gaga and her mom even founded the Born This Way Foundation, whose mission is, in part, “to foster a more accepting society, where differences are embraced and individuality is celebrated.” This seems like a wonderful cause.
So is Gaga saying that she was born to be fatter than she is now? And if so, why not just accept that she’s born that way? I realize that she probably feels required to stay thin to retain her pop star status, but maybe that’s not really true anymore. (See Adele above.) Gaga always seems to have incredibly devoted fans, some of whom have probably used the “born this way” concept to embrace having fatter bodies, so why not Lady Gaga herself? #sobebornthisway
One Last Thing
I realize that when Lady Gaga tweeted this (if it was even she who did so) she was probably hungry and in a bad mood and looking for some diet commiseration from her twitter followers. She probably wasn’t thinking about the fact that it might be considered to be promoting anorexia. I realize that she’s a human being who has her own issues and is under tremendous scrutiny and pressure. But I also think that it would be a truly amazing and powerful thing if she embraced body acceptance as part of the “born this way” cause.
Golda is a certified holistic health counselor and founder of Body Love Wellness, a program designed for plus-sized women who are fed up with dieting and want support to stop obsessing about food and weight. Join her for her upcoming FREE TELECLASS: “The Goddess Path To Healing From Food And Body Image Issues” on Thursday, April 26th at 8PM Eastern/5PM Pacific. Click here for details and to register.
“I scheduled a session with Golda because I thought she could really help me explore my body issues and learn to love myself how I am. I anticipated spending some time talking about my current body image and some past experiences that have affected it, as well as my goals for the future. Golda helped me map out what my ideas were for how I would like to see myself and treat my body. It was nice using her methods to imagine my future self-image and get some ideas on how to take small steps toward my goals. Anyone who has dreams of having a positive body image, a healthy relationship with food an…”
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