Alternate Realities
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C. Every once in a while, a commenter will despair that one of my tips is not based in reality. I often ask people to love themselves more, to focus on their desires, to trust themselves, and for some readers, it feels like I’m asking the impossible. In essence, they ask, “Why should […]
The Only Resolution You Need
News Happy New Year, my dears! I don’t need to quote a bunch of statistics in order to tell you that New Year’s resolutions, though popular, are often tossed aside within a week or so of resolving. Many of us make a myriad of resolutions, the most popular often having to do with creating healthier […]
“It’s Bullsh*t, And It’s Bad For Ya”
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C. I was just finishing up my blog for this week, when I received yet another email from a friend about how to lose weight easily by changing your relationship with food. In this email in particular, a very well respected holistic doctor was teaching a class on how changing […]
Hello, Fatosphere!
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C. I am so excited to have the Body Love Wellness Blog join the Notes from the Fatosphere Feed! For those of you who are finding us through the fatosphere, please take a moment to look at past posts and comment. You can find the blog on its own at I’m […]