I Only Need Birth Control Because . . . I’m Only Fat Because . . . And The Politics Of Appeasement
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C. www.bodylovewellness.com Following the recent, horrendous Hobby Lobby decision, I’ve been seeing a spate of articles talking about why so many women need birth control not for controlling birth but for medical issues like irregular periods. I find this argument not only irritating but detrimental. I think the argument that birth control is not […]
Confession: I Still Have Occasional Body Image Issues That Are Exacerbated By Fatshion Blogs
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.www.bodylovewellness.com Sometimes I find fatshion blogs to be fun and inspirational. And sometimes, well, not. I often recommend that clients look at more body positive blogs, especially ones with images of fat people. It’s a way to recalibrate your brain so that fatter bodies seem more like what they are – […]
Just A Little Soap Can Go A Long Way
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.www.bodylovewellness.com I get, literally, about ten email pitches a day. Most of them go directly to the trash folder (and, to be honest, my spam folder), but the email I got from Erin Zaikis made me want to reach out. Erin is the founder of a social enterprise and soap company, […]
Monica & Me: Fat Girls Of The ’90’s
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C. www.bodylovewellness.com I always liked Monica Lewinsky. Back in 1998, I was 20 years old, just a few years younger than she was at the time. Superficially, I looked a little like her — the plus-sized body (though she was probably smaller than me), the round face, the modified “Friends” haircut. People […]
The Powerful Practice Of Dating Yourself
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.www.bodylovewellness.com I’m bringing back one of my favorite posts this week. Read the magic of dating yourself as a way of upping your self care and amplifying your attraction factor. Enjoy! Recently, I had the pleasure of going to a lovely dinner with my friend (let’s call her Amanda). The subject […]
Freaked Out By Rachel Fredrickson’s Biggest Loser Win? Read This.
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.www.bodylovewellness.com When my Biggest Loser exposé got over 5,000 views before 10AM this morning, I knew something was up in BiggestLoserLand. Turns out that last night, The Biggest Loser crowned a new winner, Rachel Fredrickson, who lost nearly 60% of her body weight. She went from 260 pounds to a gaunt 105 pounds to win […]
Is The Childhood Obesity Crisis A Big Fat Red Herring?
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.www.bodylovewellness.com grew up in Freeport, New York, a suburb of New York City on the south shore of Long Island. For decades, Freeport has been a very diverse community, with mostly lower middle class, working class, and poor people. Rather than pay the dollar or so to the cafeteria lunch lady, […]
The Non-Dieter’s Holiday Survival Guide (Redux!)
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C. www.bodylovewellness.com (If this post sounds familiar, it is! I’m bringing back a slightly modified post from last year.) It seems that every year around this time, I get gazillions of emails from folks who are nervous about the holidays. Explaining to your family that you don’t want to know the […]
New E-Course: HAES® For The Holidays!
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.www.bodylovewellness.com Did you ever notice that the holidays can bring up a lot of . . . stuff? Being with family can mean being scrutinized about your weight, your food choices, and even bigger life choices. Whether you come from a family of constant dieters or one where cleaning your plate […]
Get Your Shadows On A Tightrope Blog Carnival Links Here!
News by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.www.bodylovewellness.com In honor of the 30th anniversary of the groundbreaking book, Shadows On A Tightrope, some of the biggest names in fat positivity are writing blog posts about their experiences with the book. Rather than write my own, I’ve decided to be a hub for these posts. I’ll be updating throughout the […]